• Sign Repair & Maintenance

Sign Permitting


Simplify Your Signage Journey with Expert Permitting Services

Embarking on a new signage project can be an exciting venture for any business, but navigating the complexities of sign permitting can quickly become daunting. At Florida Neon Signs, we specialize in simplifying this process, offering comprehensive sign permitting services designed to ensure your project moves forward without a hitch. Our deep understanding of local zoning laws, regulations, and permitting processes in West Central Florida means we can efficiently manage all aspects of your sign's approval, from initial application to final clearance.

Why Professional Sign Permitting Matters

  • Hassle-Free Process: Our team handles the legwork involved in the permitting process, freeing you to focus on other aspects of your business while we ensure your signage complies with all local requirements.
  • Avoid Delays and Penalties: Incorrect or incomplete applications can lead to delays, additional costs, or even penalties. Our expertise helps avoid these pitfalls, ensuring a smooth approval process.
  • Maximize Compliance and Visibility: We understand the balance between maximizing your sign’s visibility and adhering to local codes. Our permitting services aim to achieve this balance, ensuring your sign has maximum impact while remaining compliant.
  • Stay Informed: With regulations frequently changing, our team stays informed on the latest requirements and amendments, providing you with peace of mind that your signage is always in compliance.

Our Comprehensive Sign Permitting Process

  • Initial Consultation: We start by understanding your signage needs and reviewing the proposed location to assess any specific zoning or regulatory considerations.
  • Documentation and Design Review: Our team prepares all necessary documentation, including engineered drawings and site plans, and reviews your sign design for compliance with local codes.
  • Application Submission: We handle the submission of your permit application, ensuring that all paperwork is complete and accurate to avoid unnecessary delays.
  • Liaison with Authorities: Throughout the process, we act as your liaison with local authorities, addressing any questions or concerns they may have and ensuring a favorable outcome.
  • Final Approval and Installation: Once approval is obtained, we coordinate with you to plan the installation of your sign, completing the permitting process and bringing your project to fruition.

Navigating Your Signage Approval Questions

What information do I need to provide for the sign permitting process?

You’ll need to provide specific details about your proposed sign, including dimensions, design, location, and installation plans. Our team will guide you through the necessary documentation to ensure a successful application.

The duration can vary based on local municipality review times and the complexity of your sign project. We leverage our expertise and relationships to expedite the process whenever possible.

Yes, we have experience navigating the unique challenges and requirements of securing permits for signs in historic districts and special zoning areas, ensuring compliance with all special regulations.

Sign Services